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Hi, I'm Rob—programmer, Pluralsight author, software architect, emerging technologist, and lifelong learner.

Not all dots are created equal... especially in your Gmail address

Tue, 03 Sep 2024

Here’s a quick heads-up that might save you some serious headaches.

Gmail doesn’t treat dots in email addresses as unique. Whether your address is or, if it has a dot a copy of ALL your email gets sent to too.

A very close family member learned this the hard way when their identity was stolen. Someone registered a non-dotted version of their email, and it went unnoticed for a while. The result? Credit card fraud…

Gmail’s handling of dots is a well-known trick for creating test accounts—using special characters like dots or plus signs (e.g.,—it all still funnels back to the same inbox.

NOTE: If you are feeling “seen” right now, go register the non-dot version of your email, and if it’s already registered, well, fist make sure it wasn’t you in the past, but at this point I’d strongly recommend creating a new email account.

That’s great for testing, but not for your security. If you use a dotted email address, you might not realize who else could be receiving your private emails.

This is just a friendly public service announcement to keep your email security in check.

TIP: Talk to your family about password managers.

ADDED GRATUITY: Check if your email has been Pwned =>